Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Time for Turkey!!!

It's been so busy lately in the Grown-Up house! I had a little medical thing on Monday, and had to have a biopsy! Very interesting. Kind of painful, but I was pampered all day with comfort food, cuddles, and a mini Harry Potter Marathon.

Tuesday was full of cleaning the house and prepping for company for tomorrow! My father passed away in May of 2012, and I inherited his cookbooks. He used to throw the most elaborate parties, complete with cocktails, full meals, and lots of laughter. This year I get to host Thanksgiving, and as I was thumbing through his cookbooks, I came across a handwritten recipe for my father's fudge.

This is no ordinary fudge. It's amazing. It's life altering. It's my Dad's fudge.

Unfortunately, this is what the recipe said:

3/4 Cup Butter
3 Cups Sugar
2/3 Cup Evaporated Milk
12 Oz Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips

7oz Marshmallow Cream

That was it. No instructions... nothing more than a shopping list.

BUT, I improvised. Me, be discouraged by a lack of directions? Never. I am am actor after all, I create all the time.

So, I melted everything together and put it in the fridge. ( I may have cut the butter by 1/2 cup... and maybe I cut the sugar in half.... it just seemed excessive).

Guess what. Guess what, guys! It's wonderful. Tastes like Holidays with my Daddy!

I have so much to do tomorrow.

20lb Turkey
Mini Pumpkin Pies
Last years mini's

Pumpkin Bread (to honor my Grandma)
Green Bean Casserole
Ambrosia Salad
2 Stuffings (neither of which I am making, thank god)
Sweet Potatoes (again, not making)
Roasted Garlic Chevre Spread with Crostini
Roasted Brussel Sprouts, Baby Carrots, and Purple Potatoes
Mashed Potatoes (Provided by my sister)

That may be all.... there are 8 of us, think there will be enough ;)?

Also, if you don't do the whole holiday thing, check out this recipe. It's worth OM NOM NOM, and nothing about it says Thanksgiving.

For those that are curious, I will be posting about tomorrow next week!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Tantalizing Tacos... and Wedding Wednesday

I just realized that my last post, which was supposed to be a link to my wedding website, is very odd.
In fact, I may just delete it. If anyone saw it, you can count yourself as lucky. You are one of the few people who actually read this blog often enough to catch the poorly promoted website attached to my wedding. Here is the real website for those who are interested:

I wonder how I should refer to him here once we are married.... it'll probably stay Mr. Occasionally Updated, you know, shameless promotion :)

Wedding planning is really picking up! It's kind of amazing, all of the sudden I have stuff to do!!

I have picked out my cake:
Pumpkin with Cream Cheese Frosting (perfect for a November Wedding)

We have a menu:
Garlic Herb Chicken
Steak with a Molasses Porter Sauce

I have even started on decorations! I found this wonderful site. It's like craigslist for your wedding. There are so many things that would work on that for us!

Originally our wedding was going to be a big DIY thing, but, though I love to think of myself as crafty, I am afraid I'm not to the caliber I would like to do a wedding. Especially a formal wedding.

For example, this is the latest thing I have created:

Just the banner. Clearly I have not built a  fireplace.

And, where I have a deep love for craft paper, I simply don't think my skills will cut it.

So there is your Wedding Wednesday update!

Food wise, I think I will talk about  Oven Tacos

I made these a while ago, and they were delicious. Mr. Occasionally Updated ate until he almost popped. There are a few steps, but it's pretty simple, just an extra pan to clean at the end of the night. They actually heat up pretty well too.

I served these with my shortcut Guacamole (which is super awesome amazing):

1 Ripe Avocado
1/2 cup fresh Pico de Gallo
Lotsa (technical measurement) Cumin (*note: cumin is the thing that makes mexican food mexican)
Lotsa Garlic Powder
Salt to taste

I love a good recipe that I don't have to adjust. I had one last night that was good, but there were definitely things to do. Luckily this is not like that at all. 

I would say out of a scale of *Ew to OM NOM NOM, this would get a solid OM NOM!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Genuinely Geeky ^-^

I just bought my tickets to go see Catching Fire, which is going to be so awesome. Even though there is some casting I'm not thrilled over (c'mon, Sam Claflin as the most irresistible tribute ever... please). Oh! Speaking of movies, Mr. Occasionally Updated and I saw Thor on Sunday. So good! We both like nerdy comic book things (for more information on the extent of the nerd, click on the first link).

I have never been a Thor fan. Ever. I had thought it was just a horrible retelling of Norse mythology, and to an extent I was right. I was informed... but not well. I read a few, but never really enough to get myself wrapped up in their universe. So, when the first film came out, I had no real desire to see it. That, and everyone kept talking about how hunky Thor is.... a hair blonde guy, who always kind of looked like an 80's-frat-boy-douche in my childhood? No thank you. So I didn't see it.

For those of you who know me know that it's a rare day when I won't get amped about a comic book movie.

It wasn't until I went to an event where they showed all Avengers prequel films before the midnight release of the Avengers movie that I actually saw the first Thor. I sat there all day long, through 2 Iron Men, 2 Hulks, Captain America, and got to Thor.... and by the end of it, I understood.


I understand why there is a fandom, and I understand the sexy Thor thing... but what made the film for me, like so many others, was Loki. It takes a really amazing actor to make you sympathize with the antagonist of a comic book. Everything was clear, and beautifully conveyed. Let me just take a moment to fangirl over Tom Hiddleston:

Also, this was him at comicon this year (he inturrupted a panel as Loki, in complete costume, unannounced):


So, we went to the sequel the opening weekend. It was even better than the first... of course you have a new film, with my new favorite (and current talent crush) actor, and the film (subtle spoiler) begins, and ends with him. I was happy. Very happy.

Oh, also, I guess the plot's pretty good, too ;) (thought the Dark Elves were a bit Romulan if you ask me).

Wow... that was a very geeky post....I had intended to talk about wedding stuff!

Quick wedding update:

1. I changed my colors from pewter and plum, to gold and black
2. We are officially passed the year point, and I couldn't be more excited!
3. We have our first meeting with out cater on 11/30
4. Our saving is coming along.
5. I made this:

It's not exactly the same one we will use, but it's pretty close!

To end this long and geeky post with a recipe, I will leave you with one I did last night (it's Disney, so it fits the geek theme!)

The only thing I did differently was I used fat free half and half instead of cream and nixed  the flour. This is perfect for a cold and stormy day. I will warn you: IT IS FILLING!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thanksgiving is the Middle-Child of the Holiday Season

It is so stormy today! Seattle is on high-wind advisory all day long, and I get to sit in a glass booth downtown and watch the leaves fly by.

I am really fighting off getting in the Christmas spirit. I want to so much! It's so hard when it's in every store and all the streets are lit up. I work next to the PNW Ballet as well, so I have been watching dancers come and go to Nutcracker rehearsals (BTW, if you are unfamiliar with PNW Ballet's The Nutcracker, you should see it. It's our very own little piece of Christmas).

I am doing my best to redirect my temptations to Thanksgiving, the most overlooked holiday of the season. I have been pinning my inspirations for our meal (which will be a challenge with a diabetic mother, and lactose intolerant sister), decorations I can craft, since I don't own any of my own, and I will post one thing I am thankful for on this blog with each post.

Today I am thankful that people are teaching their children manners. I work with kids everyday. I work at a museum, and where we aren't quite a "childrens" museum, we pander quite a bit to youth. Even though I have to deal with rude people from time to time, the kids are always wonderful. They are so excited, and sweet, and want to share their adventures.

People have adventures all the time. Life can be exciting. Why don't we share our excitement like that anymore? Sometimes people just want something to be excited about. I think it would be good to help them remember.

Like my stormy Thanksgiving day. I am thankful for today. (Ok, that's two, but who's counting?)

Also, for good food (3). Like today's recipe.

Italian Chicken was a quick dinner decision on a whim. I needed something quick and cheap, and this fit the bill.... but oh how good it ended up being!

This recipe has become a staple in my household. It is just too darned good. Plus it's so quick, and we usually have all the ingredients on hand. Slice up some tomatoes, artichoke hearts, and fresh mozzerella, and bake. Good to go. We don't usually add the basil. Not for any reason other than we forgot about it, and love it without.

It's actually hard to "critique" this. I have had it with garlic bread. I have had it with pasta (it's INCREDIBLE with Angel Hair).

This is a very good meal.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Pathetic Friend Public Shame Blog

Yesterday, I made a terrible mistake.

In my defense, I will tell you about my weekend, and maybe then you can at least feel sympathy... or something of the sort... maybe.

Thursday night was mine and Mr.Occasionally Updated's 2 year anniversary. We went out for an absolutely amazing dinner. Calamari, table-side carve service (if you've never experienced it, you need to... save up, it gets spendy, but oh so worth it), and an on-the-house creme brulee. Seriously, if you are in Seattle and want to have a romantic dinner, this is your place.

After dinner, we came home and hit they hay. It was late, and a work night... oh, yeah, and we're old.

The next morning, my mother came and got me, and we drove 3 hours south to spend the night. We went  through my late-grandmother's massive closet filled with goodies (she knew how to shop... must be genetic). We then went to an amazing production of one of my favorite musicals, Next to Normal, if you can see it... do. It's amazing. The next morning went to a holiday open house at the best little shop in Grayland, Wa. Shortly thereafter she drove me home.

I arrived back at my house at 10pm, and found that my wonderful fiance had spent his weekend away from me putting together a wonderful gift... I came home to a brand new (to me) gaming desktop.

I love this man.

Busy few days, right? Things could slip your mind... right??

In all of the excitement that was my amazing-being-spoiled weekend.... I forgot my best friend's birthday.

Horrible person.

I have a party that is planned for next weekend, because she had to work this weekend, but in all the fuss, I totally forgot to call her.

Tonight I am going to make her an I'm-sorry-I'm-so-self-involved dinner tonight, and we will do whatever she wants.

I am soooooo sorry!!!!!!

I am making her  Mi Madre's Enchiladas, and am trying my hand at Red Velvet Cake.. but I may just use a box mix, because I have no flour... it went the way of Weevils. Yeah Gross.

Happy happy happy happy happy birthday! I love you!